Information for visitors
Visiting hours
Visiting hours are between 10:00 am and 8:00 pm daily.
If you cannot get to the hospital during visiting hours, we may be able to arrange another time for you, please discuss with the nurse in charge.
Visitor restrictions
- Do not visit if you think you might have a respiratory virus (COVID-19, influenza or a cold) or a tummy bug. You could place patients at risk of severe illness.
Symptoms to look out for are fever, cough, sore throat, unexplained tiredness and body aches, runny nose, diarrhoea and nausea/vomiting. If you have any of these symptoms, do not visit. You could place patients at risk. - No more than two visitors at any time.
- All visitors are encouraged to wear surgical facemasks.
- Visitors over the age of 12 years may be required to wear surgical facemasks. This depends on the level of risk, including the amount of COVID-19 in the local community and the ward/person you are visiting.
Exceptions to these guidelines can be discussed with the in-charge ward nurse.
If you are approved to visit/provide patient support outside of visiting hours, please carry your written exemption with you.
We recommend children do not visit patients. Before bringing children to visit, please discuss this with the nurse in charge of the ward.
Rules for visiting a patient
- Always wash your hands before entering and leaving each ward or service area.
- No foods or drinks (other than water) to be consumed at the bedside
- Always cover any coughs or sneezes with a tissue or the inside of your arm, then wash and dry your hands.
- Be respectful to staff, other patients and other visitors
- Aggressive or unruly behaviour will not be tolerated. If you are aggressive or unruly, we will not allow you to visit in the future.
Number of visitors
- There are no restrictions on total number of visitors in a day however inpatients should only have TWO visitors at their bedside at a time.
- Exceptions are listed below for certain wards and parts of the hospital.
Area of hospital | Number of visitors |
Acute Medical Unit | Two support persons permitted |
Department of Critical Care Medicine | Two visitors will be allowed at any one time |
Emergency Department | A single visitor is permitted in the following circumstances:
We understand that coming to an Emergency Department can be very stressful, but these restrictions are necessary to reduce crowding in the busy Emergency Department and waiting areas. |
Maternity Unit | An upper limit of two people to support mothers in the maternity unit (this limit of two includes the partner, if the partner is present). |
Medical C Ward | Visitors are not permitted unless by exemption |
Medical and Surgical Wards | One visitor per patient, for a maximum of 30 minutes per visit. |
Paediatric Unit | Visitor numbers to the NWRH Paediatric Ward are restricted to two (2) visitors/support people (inclusive of parents). |
Palliative Care | An upper limit of four visitor for patients receiving end-of-life care, and the capacity for one visitor to stay overnight and for pets to visit where appropriate. |
Operating Theatre and Recovery Room | Visitors not routinely allowed. Parents may visit children post-surgery |
Outpatient clinics and community centres | Support person only |
What can I bring?
- You can bring patients things like books, magazines and fruit.
- Some wards like the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) do not allow flowers.
- Please contact us before bringing or sending someone flowers.