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Search for jobs in Tasmania
18 November 2021With a superb array of lifestyle choices, working with us in Tasmania will be extraordinary. Tasmania offers an enviable lifestyle and very affordable housing in one of the world's most beautiful environments. It is the smallest Australian state, but it has all the services and facilities needed to make it a safe and relaxing home.
You’ll enjoy all the benefits of a city lifestyle with easy access to beaches, rivers, lakes and national parks – or you can live with these on your doorstep. There are our four major population centres - Hobart, Launceston, Burnie and Devonport – and a range of beautiful rural as well as remote island locations to consider.
Discover more about the beautiful lifestyle in Tasmania on the Discover Tasmania website.
Benefits of working with us
We are a flexible employer with great working conditions, attractive salaries and world-class benefits including:
- short or long-term employment opportunities
- full-time or part-time work with flexible rosters
- assisted study and postgraduate loan scheme
- family initiatives (12-weeks paid maternity leave, State Service Accumulated Leave Scheme)
- competitive salary packages (including public hospital salary packaging)
- comprehensive leave package
- flexibility and work/life balance initiatives
- training and development
- conjoint appointments and links with the University of Tasmania
- support to move to Tasmania.
Salary rates
Your salary rate is aligned to the professional award or agreement for your profession.
- Administrative and clerical
- Allied health professionals
- Ambulance
- Dental officers
- Health service officers
- Information Communication Technology (ICT)
- Medical practitioners
- Nurses and midwives
- Radiation therapists
- Rural medical practitioners
- Senior executive officers
- Visiting medical practitioners
Salary packaging
You can access salary packaging if you work within our:
- public hospitals (including district hospitals)
- ambulance service
- palliative care services.
This includes limited fringe benefits without incurring fringe benefits tax (FBT).
Salary sacrifice
We offer two salary sacrifice arrangements where you can forego some of your normal salary pre-tax for:
- purchasing work-related items (laptop, PDA, mobile device, printer, briefcase, calculator, software).
- investing in superannuation.
Employer super contributions of 11% will paid in addition to your annual salary (including ordinary hours, leave, penalties, overtime) as superannuation. This is paid to a complying superannuation fund of your choice.
- If you don’t choose your own fund, we will register you with Spirit Super (previously Tasplan)
- You can also choose to make personal contributions (after-tax) or salary sacrifice (pre-tax) contributions.
Leave entitlements
Our leave entitlements and options help you balance your work and personal life and include:
- Adoption leave
- Annual and recreation leave
- Bereavement and compassionate leave
- Carer's leave
- Conference and professional development leave
- Defence force leave
- Jury service leave
- Leave without pay
- Long service leave
- Maternity leave
- Paternity and paternal leave
- Public holidays
- Sick leave
- Special leave
- State service accumulated leave scheme
- Study leave.
Recreation Leave
Employees other than those paid an allowance in lieu of paid annual leave, personal leave and holidays with pay are entitled to four weeks paid recreation leave per leave year for full- time staff and pro-rata for part-time staff.
For employees working regular shift work that incorporates Saturday and Sunday Shifts, an additional week of leave is credited to their leave entitlements (pro-rata for part time staff) and a day added to their annual leave entitlement may also be added as a public holiday falls due.
Sick Leave
Employees other than those paid an allowance in lieu of paid annual leave, personal leave and holidays with pay are entitled to four weeks paid sick leave per leave year. Up to five days of this entitlement may be used without the need to present a medical certificate (award conditions apply).
Long Service Leave
We recognise the importance of taking leave for recreational purposes, as well as for balancing work & family life effectively. Long Service Leave is an entitlement available to employees after ten years continuous service accumulated at 6.5 working days per year for full-time employees and pro-rata for part-time employees.
Where you have been employed by a Commonwealth, State or Territory government within Australia and commence within 90 days with DHHS, your prior service will be recognised for Long Service Leave purposes.
Maternity (Parental) Leave
You must have worked in the state service for at least 12 months and be entitled to paid sick leave as a condition of your employment. This entitlement includes 12 weeks of paid maternity leave at your normal rate of pay and a combination of Long Service, Recreation Leave and Leave without Pay.
Paternity Leave
If your partner is expecting a baby then you may be entitled to up to a total of 52 weeks unpaid leave. Your entitlement may vary according to occupation so you should ask for further information.
State Service Accumulated Leave Scheme (SSALS)
SSALS allows us to approve plans for employees who request a reduced normal salary for a certain leave period. We pay a pre-determined amount of accumulated leave at the same reduced rate at the end of that leave period.
Learn more about the SSALS on the Department of Premier and Cabinet website
Employee assistance program (EAP)
Our employee assistance program (EAP) is a confidential counselling service for you and your immediate dependent family members.
You can contact EAP providers 24 hours a day, seven days a week to access free confidential counselling at:
- Catholic Care 1800 674 434
- Converge International 1300 687 327
- Newport and Wildman 1800 650 204
- Positive Solutions 1800 064 039