Learn about dental health
Why is good dental health important?
Learn all about dental health including how to take care of your mouth, teeth and gums and where to see a dentist or get help in Tasmania.
Dental health for adults
Learn all about dental health for adults including how to brush your teeth, take care of your mouth, teeth and gums and where to see a dentist in Tasmania.
Dental health for children
Learn about dental health for babies, children and teenager including how to take care of their mouth, teeth and gums and where to see a dentist in Tasmania.
Dental health services
Dental health service for adults
Learn about accessing dental health services for adults in Tasmania. This includes costs, locations and other dental information.
Dental health service for babies, children and teens
Learn about accessing dental health services for babies, children and teenagers in Tasmania. This includes costs, locations and other dental information.
Special care dental health services
Learn about accessing special dental health services provided in a hospital in Tasmania if you are already in hospital or have other medical conditions.
For health professionals
Referral to Oral Health Services
Health professionals can find out more about referring to Oral Health Services and programs in Tasmania.
Quit smoking: Smoking Cessation Program
Learn about the Department’s Smoking Cessation Program to help you learn how to quit smoking for good oral health.
Tasmania denture care scheme
Learn about Tasmania’s denture care scheme for eligible patients to have their denture made by a contracted private provider.
What the Department is doing
Fissure sealant and fluoride varnish program
Learn about the Tasmanian Department of Health fissure sealant and fluoride varnish program for school-aged children.
Healthy Smiles for Two: Pregnancy and Dental Health
Learn about the Tasmanian Department of Health’s Smiles for Two program that delivers access to dental care for pregnant women in Tasmania.
Lift the lip – preventing childhood tooth decay
Learn about the Tasmanian Department of Health’s Lift the Lip program to help prevent tooth decay in children.