Find news about the Northern Cancer Service from the Department of Health Tasmania
Population screening and cancer prevention
For health professionals
Publications and resources for cancer screening
View publications about cancer and cancer screening from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Useful links for cancer screening
View useful links about cancer and cancer screening from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Cancer screening information for health professionals
Cancer screening information for health professionals from the Department of Health (Tasmania).
Cancer screening publications and resources
Latest news

Country Club staff community fund donates comfort and support to cancer patients at the W.P. Holman Clinic
Read a news article from the Northern Cancer Service.

Expansion of radiation therapy services
Find news about the Northern Cancer Service from the Department of Health Tasmania

Holman Clinic Nurse Sarah – Most recent recipient of the LGH DAISY Awards
Find news about the Northern Cancer Service from the Department of Health Tasmania

New high dose rate brachytherapy unit
Find news about the Northern Cancer Service from the Department of Health Tasmania

New radiation therapy equipment
Find news about the Northern Cancer Service from the Department of Health Tasmania
Last updated