Community relations and engagement
On this page
Community relations and engagement for the hospital is managed by our Community Relations Unit (CRU). They specifically look after:
- public relations
- managing events
- internal, external and online communications
- liaison with the media, Health Ministry and other government departments
- liaison with fundraising groups
- management of volunteer services
- co-ordination of donations and bequests, fundraising and sponsorship
- putting together patient information brochures and other guides
- managing all levels of community engagement
- supporting the Consumer Reference Advisory Group
- liaison with all advocacy groups.
How to contact the Community Relations Unit
- Phone: 03 6166 8846
- Email: [email protected]
Photography and filming at the hospital
- Professional photography, filming and recording is only allowed with our approval.
- Professional means taking photos, videos or recording information for non-personal use.
- Non-personal means for media use, promotions, or if you are making money from the photo or video.
- One of our team will be always with you when you film. This is to protect patient privacy.
Taking photos and videos of patients
If you want to take a photo of a patient, please read the following information.
- Only take photos or videos in the hospital for personal reasons.
- You must ask the person for their permission to take their photo. This is called giving consent.
- Consent may be given by the patient or their parent, guardian or next-of-kin.
- Next-of-kin may be their spouse, de facto partner, children or a blood relative like grandparent or sibling.
- Our staff members cannot provide consent on behalf of patients.
- Any activity must not interfere with the patient’s treatment or care. We may ask you to stop at any time.
- You cannot photograph, video or record our staff or other patients without their consent.
- Sometimes this can happen by accident. Please check your photos and videos and delete if this happens.
- You cannot take photos of medical records or medical images like x-rays.
- You cannot record or video your discussions with your doctors unless they give you consent.
- Please ask your doctor for your medical records. Find out more about your personal information.
Making donations to the hospital
- We are grateful to receive donations or gifts from the public to support the hospital.
- We follow strict rules to ensure gifts are safe, appropriate and free of infection.
- All soft or fluffy toys, wooden items, games and other donated items must be new.
Last updated