Our services
At the Royal Hobart Hospital, we provide you with many treatments and services including:
- medical care if you are in hospital
- services to help you when you leave the hospital
- emergency care in our Emergency Department
- care at specialist clinics if your doctor provides a referral letter.
Our services
- Audiology Service (Statewide)
- Bone Marrow Transplant Service (Statewide)
- Burns Service Tasmania (Statewide)
- Cancer Support Centre
- Chaplaincy and Pastoral/Spiritual Care Services
- Children's health (paediatrics)
- Community Nursing Service - South
- Diabetes Education Service
- Emergency Department
- Emergency Medical Unit
- Haematology and Oncology Clinical Trials
- Jack Jumper Allergy Program
- Lions Low Vision Clinic
- Lymphoedema Service South
- Maternity care and Gynaecology
- Medical Imaging
- Occupational Therapy South
- Orthotic Prosthetic Services Tasmania (OPST)
- Pathology
- Pharmacy
- Physiotherapy
- Social Work
- Southern Tasmanian Renal Services
- Specialist Clinics
- Speech Pathology
- TasEquip
- Tasmanian Clinical Genetics Service
- Transit Lounge
- W.P. Holman Clinic
Last updated