Call Triple Zero (000)
or visit an Emergency Department.
On this page
Calling triple zero (000) for an ambulance can save lives.
Please call 000 for an ambulance in a medical emergency.
Many calls to 000 are not real emergencies. Do not call 000 if you do not require immediate medical assistance.

What is a medical emergency?
Medical emergencies include:
- shortness of breath
- difficulty breathing
- loss of consciousness (the person won’t wake up)
- chest pain
- broken bones
- head injury
- suspected heart attack or stroke
- excessive blood loss
- a serious fall
- motor vehicle crash with injuries.
When to call 000
- If it is a medical emergency, call 000 at any time, day or night.
- Don't wait to see if ‘it gets better’.
- Call even if you don’t know what is wrong.
- This is always a free call.
What to do on a 000 call
- Stay calm, speak slowly and answer all questions.
- We will ask you questions while the ambulance is on its way.
- Sometimes we will give you information that can help save someone's life.
- Stay on the line until we tell you to hang up.
Using Emergency Meeting Points (EMPs)
- Emergency Meeting Points (EMPs) are easy-to-find locations.
- They make it easy to meet an ambulance in a rural or remote area.
- They are pre-arranged places to meet an ambulance.
- There are over 270 EMPs in Tasmania. They are managed by Sustainable Timber Tasmania.
- Each EMP is sign-posted on the ground.
- Many are at key road intersections.
- If you live or work in a rural area, it’s important to know the location of your closest EMP.
- You can give your EMP to 000 when you call.
Click here for a map of Tasmania's EMP locations
What to do if not a medical emergency?
If it isn't a medical emergency, do not call 000. Instead:
- Call your GP, pharmacy or after-hours medical centre.
- Visit the Tas After Hours website for information about after-hours medical care.
- Call Healthdirect on 1800 022 222. It's a free service open 24 hours a day.
Smartphone apps available to help you
- If you have a smartphone, download the Emergency+ app.
- The app is free of charge.
- It gives you information about when to call 000.
- It also gives you information about whom to call in a non-emergency situation.
What the Emergency+ app does
The app helps you:
- dial the relevant number in an emergency
- describe your exact location in three words.
Learn more and download the app on the Triple Zero website
Teaching your kids to call 000
- It is important to teach your kids about 000.
- This includes when it works and when to call it.
- Tell them that 000 is the emergency number for Australia.
- They can call 000 to get help from Fire, Police or Ambulance.
- The emergency numbers on television shows maybe different.
- For example, 911 is the United States and Canada. 999 is the UK.
Help kids learn more about calling 000 on the Kids Triple Zero website
Last updated