C Card Program
Stay protected. Stay connected.
The C Card Program is not for emergency or crisis care
If you, or someone you know, requires emergency care or assistance please call 000.
What is a C Card?
A C Card is like a coffee card for condoms! Get a free C Card from any of the locations below and you will be given a free sexual health pack (including condoms, dams and lube) each time you visit.
You can also talk to someone about sexual health, including relationships, consent, contraception and STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections).
If you are aged from 12 to 24 you can get free:
- Sexual health packs (including condoms, dams, and lubricant)
- STI testing
- Pregnancy testing
- Support with other sexual health check-ups and referrals
- Access to health professionals for confidential and safe chats about sex and sexual health
How can I get a C Card?
You can drop into any of the locations below to pick up your C Card or make an appointment. You can also contact us using our online form.

headspace Launceston
186 Brisbane Street (corner of Brisbane and Wellington streets)
Launceston TAS 7250
George Town District Hospital and Community Health Centre
47 Anne Street
George Town TAS 7253
Ravenswood Community Health Centre
39-41 Lambert Street
Ravenswood TAS 7250
Westbury Community Health Centre
89 Meander Valley Road
Westbury TAS 7303
Other sites will be added as they become available - look out for the C Card logo!
More information
You can download a variety of resources and information from the Family Planning Tasmania (FPT) website including:
- Youth health and relationships guide
- Sex with others - rights and responsibilities (including consent)
- Barrier protection (condoms and dams for all genders)
- Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
- Choosing contraception
- Emergency contraception (including the 'morning after pill')
- Pregnancy - signs and symptoms
Learn more about a variety of topics on the Family Planning Tasmania (FPT) website