Tasmanian Anaesthetic Training Program (TATP)
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18 November 2021TATP Overview
The TATP provides anaesthesia training at all 3 Tasmanian Health Service (THS) hospitals. It has between 30-35 positions each year including up to 7 provisional fellowship positions, with a variable number of vacancies. All trainees in Tasmania are included in the TATP.
Training positions within the TATP may be either rotational positions or hospital-based positions with opportunities for extended contracts. Provisional fellowship positions are available in Hobart and Launceston, with an application in progress to develop a dedicated rural provisional fellowship at NWRH.
The Tasmanian Anaesthetic Training Program Committee (TATPC) is a sub-committee representing the 3 participating hospitals in the Tasmanian Anaesthetic Training Program and under the jurisdiction of the Department of Health, Tasmania and the ANZCA Tasmanian Regional Committee.
Registrar positions
Training Pathway (previously rotational) positions - length of training contracts
The TATP has 30-35 training positions throughout Tasmania. Most trainees are appointed to a length of training contract. This allows the trainee up to 5 years to complete the 4 years of basic and advanced training. The additional year allows up to 1 year of extended training or interrupted training, part-time training (minimum 0.5 FTE as per ANZCA training requirements) or leave including parental leave. This allows the TATP to support trainees who require flexible training for personal or professional reasons, including examination progression, family matters, health concerns or life choices. Trainees needing more than one year of additional training should discuss their circumstances with the Supervisor of Training and Rotational Supervisors for a case-by-case consideration.
After 5 years as a training pathway trainee, the trainee will need to re-apply to complete any outstanding training requirements. After more than 1 FTE year of interrupted, extended training or part-time training, the trainee will need to re-apply for an ongoing training position. Exceptional circumstances and further consideration of additional flexible training options will be considered on an individual basis. Due to the needs of the overall training program the TATP welcomes advance notice, where possible, of flexible training needs. Please discuss with the Supervisor of Training and the Rotational Supervisor.
Trainees will be provided with appropriate clinical opportunities to complete their training requirements during this period including access to the necessary volume of practice, clinical experience, and specialized study units. Whilst every effort will be made to ensure all trainees have access to appropriate clinical opportunities, trainees who undertake interrupted or extended training may need additional time to complete their training requirements.
In return for this ongoing training commitment, trainees will be expected to rotate between the 3 ANZCA accredited anaesthesia training sites in Tasmania, including the Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH), the Launceston General Hospital (LGH), and the North West Regional Hospital (NWRH). Training pathway trainees spend 50% or more of the 4 years of training time at the RHH to complete advanced training requirements including specialized study units.
Criteria to remain in a training pathway position:
- Trainees must continue to achieve satisfactory clinical performance as assessed in accordance with the ANZCA training program
- Trainees must complete all BT and AT requirements within 5 years including both examinations
- Trainees are permitted a maximum of 1 FTE year of extended, interrupted or part-time training to complete their training requirements including examinations
If these criteria are met registrar contracts of employment are offered annually without the need to re-apply through the selection process.
Fixed term (previously hospital or non-rotational) positions
Some trainees are on fixed term contracts. Unlike independent positions in other jurisdictions, all training positions in Tasmania are included, supported, and coordinated by the TATP. During their appointment these trainees accumulate VOP, clinical experience and have access to examination opportunities and scholar role activities.
Fixed-term positions are usually for 12 months. These positions may be filled by provisional fellows, trainees not on length of training contracts, non-Anaesthesia Specialty Trainees (i.e., DEM/ICU Registrars on rotation), International Medical Graduate Specialists, RGA trainees and career medica officers in anaesthesia. Fixed term trainees who have not been offered an extended contract (see below) will need to re-apply for ongoing training positions. Their applications will be in assessed with other eligible applicants.
Extended contract opportunities
For trainees on fixed term contracts, contract extension for up to 2 years continuous employment (1 year of fixed term employment + 1 year of extension) can be offered for satisfactory performance. Trainees in extended contract positions need to re-apply after 2 years of employment. The conditions to be eligible for contract extension include satisfactory performance and progression as assessed by Supervisors of Training and Directors of Anaesthesia and meeting all training requirements as per ANZCA. Extended contracts are preferred by the TATP but can only be considered when there are positions available.
Flexible training options
The TATP fully supports parental leave, extended training (4 years in 5 years) and part-time training options. Trainees considering LWOP, interrupted training or leave > 12 months are encouraged to discuss their situations with their Supervisor of Training and the Rotational Supervisor for consideration of their options.
Integrated Rural Training Pipeline (IRTP) trainees
The TATP has offered an IRTP position since 2019. This position receives a 5-year STP funded training package with a defined training pathway. It is designed to promote and support training in rural and regional centers, particularly for candidates with an interest and/or connection to long-term rural and regional practice. Tasmania’s IRTP position is based in the North and Northwest of Tasmania with advanced training in Hobart. It seeks to support trainees towards specialist practice in the North and Northwest of Tasmania.
Rural Generalist Anaesthesia Training
RGA trainees are welcomed in the TATP. These positions have a separate Statement of Duties but are included, supported, and coordinated by the TATP.
There are RGA training opportunities in all 3 Tasmanian anaesthetic training sites, that are fully supported with experienced supervisors, relevant clinical experience, and access to excellent teaching. There are 1-3 RGA trainees within the TATP in any given year. The number of RGA trainees depends on the numbers and suitability of RGA applicants, but also on the balance of anaesthetic trainees throughout the state to ensure best use of available training opportunities for all.
RGA trainees are fixed-term positions, usually for 12 months. RGA candidates apply through the main TATP selection process in June-August of each year. Successful RGA candidates are encouraged to demonstrate a strong relevant career path including regional, rural, and remote settings.
Applicants must be registered as a trainee with RACGP or ACRRM or have completed their RACGP or ACRRM fellowship. Applicants who are still training for their primary fellowship must have successfully completed at least 2 years of that training program. Applicants must have completed an accredited ALS 2 course within 52 calendar weeks prior to commencing RGA training.
Provisional Fellowship positions
If you are applying for provisional fellowship positions, please refer to the specific information provided. To be eligible for any areas of specific interest, the applicant must refer to it within their application.
The TATP offers excellent provisional fellowship positions at the Royal Hobart Hospital and Launceston General Hospital, with up to 5 positions available at RHH and 2 at LGH. These positions are approved by ANZCA for provisional fellowship training and can consider 6-month, 12-month, or longer appointments. The TATP also considers fractional appointments for provisional fellowship candidates to pursue other areas of clinical interest including the trauma fellowship, pain medicine or diving and hyperbaric medicine.
Provisional Fellowship positions in Tasmania allow the successful applicant to develop broad skills and be ready for successful independent specialist practice on completion of their FANZCA. They support the fellow to develop the necessary management and communication skills to compliment clinical competence. These appointments are highly rewarding positions in a friendly supportive department that promotes excellence in practice, collaboration, education, and research. They are a great opportunity for training and for future specialist practice.
Provisional Fellowships at Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH)
General fellowships at RHH
The Royal Hobart Hospital offers excellent general provisional fellowships with a range and diversity of ongoing clinical experience not matched by many interstate centres. The RHH offers comprehensive and ongoing exposure to trauma, obstetrics, paediatrics and tertiary level services including neurosurgery and cardiothoracic surgery. The range of exposure, opportunities to develop leadership skills, collaboration and mentorship within a collegial department and strong teaching leads to highly competent and confident anaesthetists who are work ready for specialist practice on completion of their FANZCA.
Specific interest fellowships at RHH
As part of a RHH provisional fellowship, successful applicants can identify and pursue areas of clinical interest as part of a comprehensive generalist provisional fellowship program. Options include regional anaesthesia, paediatrics, medical education and simulation, and perioperative medicine. RHH is an approved training site for the new ANZCA Perioperative Medicine course, the Chapter of Perioperative Medicine of ANZCA – GChPOM.
The Royal Hobart Hospital is pleased to offer a specific Global outreach fellowship which includes involvement in our Global Outreach Program. Opportunities include the Real World Anaesthesia Course, participation in real global outreach programs and excellent mentorship from leaders in the field.
The RHH is proud to provide a responsive and individualised approach to provisional fellowship and can support interests in many fields of clinical and professional practice. Candidates should discuss their specific needs and interests with the TATP for consideration.
Provisional Fellowship at Launceston General Hospital (LGH)
LGH offers up to 2 provisional fellowship positions that allow the successful applicant to pursue interests in rural anaesthesia, major adult anaesthesia, or upper GI anaesthesia. It is great opportunity for senior trainees to develop skills and professional relationships in a large regional centre.
Rural Provisional Fellowship at Northwest Regional Hospital (NWRH)
The TATP is working on establishing a formal rural provisional fellowship position based at NWRH. Through its hospitals, demographics, and geography Tasmania offers unique opportunities for rural medicine. NWRH is a busy rural centre with a strong focus on rural practice needs and a supportive department. Throughout the training program, the TATP has a focus on rural anaesthesia and subject to local conditions there are potential opportunities to pursue a provisional fellowship focused on the skills and demands of specialist practice in a rural or regional setting. Once established, this position would allow candidates to focus on areas and skills specific to rural practice.
Pain Fellowship
In addition, provisional fellowships in pain medicine and post-fellowship positions in pain medicine are available. These positions provide a great opportunity to develop relevant skills in dedicated specialty units and opportunities to attain further qualifications including a 2-year fellowship in pain medicine FFPMANZCA.
Provisional Fellow/Registrar in Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine
In 2020, Royal Hobart Hospital commissioned its brand new, state of the art Hyperbaric treatment facility which also has hypobaric/altitude capability. This unique facility is the only one of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere and provides valuable clinical, research and training opportunities. The Department of Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine is fully accredited for the advanced certificate in diving and hyperbaric medicine (ANZCA Adv Cert DHM) Special Skills training with ACEM, ACRRM and RACGP, and the SPUMS Dip DHM. Our facility is the State referral centre for diving emergencies, servicing very active occupational and recreational industries. Diving emergency patients can be received directly from the newly constructed RHH helipad. ICU patients are also managed in the multiplace chamber for hyperbaric appropriate conditions.
Opportunities exist to combine a registrar position in anaesthesia with a 6-month term in diving and hyperbaric medicine. Note that a full fellowship year in diving and hyperbaric medicine at Royal Hobart Hospital is also available, which satisfies the time requirements for the ANZCA Adv Cert DHM. To be eligible for this position, applications must apply to both Anaesthesia and Hyperbaric positions.
For enquiries regarding Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine training, please contact one of the co-Supervisors of Training: Dr Lizzie Elliott [email protected] or Dr Juan Carlos Ascencio-Lane [email protected].
Trauma Registrar and Provisional Fellowship Positions
Anaesthesia provisional fellows may have the opportunity to work with the Trauma Service as a senior registrar / trauma fellow.
Royal Hobart Hospital is Tasmania’s major trauma centre and it is designated as a Level 6 facility in the Tasmanian Role Delineation Framework. This means that RHH is required to provide the full spectrum of care for injured patients, spanning multiple specialties across all phases of care, including pre-hospital, emergency, intensive care, surgery, medicine, and rehabilitation. RHH receives over 260 major trauma presentations each year.
The Trauma Service is the main inpatient unit responsible for admitting complex and major trauma patients presenting to RHH. The service mission is to champion a safe, effective, and efficient trauma system that provides person-centred care to injured Tasmanians from roadside to rehabilitation. Trauma Service comprises a medical team from diverse clinical backgrounds and a case management team lead by the trauma clinical nurse consultant, as well as a team of research and registry specialists.
The purpose of the trauma fellow position is to offer senior trainees the opportunity to broaden their exposure to trauma care, preparing them for future roles as a trauma consultant or as a trauma lead within their primary areas of practice. Trauma fellows will gain a broad range of experience in all areas of trauma care. Fellows will participate in daily consultant-led ward rounds and will work closely with the trauma case management team to ensure all patients receive timely, effective, holistic care. Fellows will also attend trauma calls and will become proficient in team based initial assessment and resuscitation of major trauma patients. Additionally, they will have the opportunity to participate in the trauma outpatient clinic. A trauma rotation offers many opportunities for early career anaesthetists, especially those with interests in perioperative medicine, acute pain management, health system quality evaluation, and medical education and simulation.
Fellows will be key contributors to the Trauma Service teaching roster and each fellow will negotiate a research or quality improvement project to be undertaken during their rotation.
For further information about opportunities to work with the Trauma Service as an anaesthesia provisional fellow, please contact Adam Mahoney ([email protected]).
TATP selection process
The TATP has 2 selection processes per year: one for provisional fellow and/or senior registrar positions and one for BT, AT, IRTP and DRGA positions, with key dates below. Candidates from other specialties requiring experience as an anaesthetic registrar, including ICU, are invited to apply for anaesthetic positions through the BT/AT process.
The TATP values fair and wholistic selection processes that are applied to all applicants and allow candidates to perform well and to the best of their abilities. There are multiple sources of information for selection and scores are based on the following components:
- Curriculum Vitae (~30%) – score of your CV based on academic achievements (exams/courses/qualifications); interest in Tasmania/rural and regional medicine; and clinical experience (months or years worked in anaesthesia or related to critical care)
- Selection criteria (~30%) – score generated from the selection criteria responses (7 criteria). Each selection criteria is de-identified before it is scored
- Interview (~30%) – score generated from your interview
- General impression (~10%) – based on all components of the selection process and on your presentation and performance throughout the selection process
- References – not scored but used to provide further evidence about you to support the selection process. References are important so consider both the person (how long have they known you; what is their role?) and the information they will provide (honest, detailed, relevant)
- Self-reflection – candidates are asked to complete the referee template as a self-reflection tool. Like formal references, this is not scored, but provides valuable information to support a wholistic impression of the candidate
Shortlisting for interview is based on your written application and includes your curriculum vitae and selection criteria.
Please ensure you are thorough, honest, and relevant in all aspects of your application.
If you have questions or concerns about any aspect of selection, please contact the key people listed in the contacts below.
Senior Registrar/Provisional Fellow | Important Dates 2024 |
Applications open | 8 April |
Applications close | 12 May |
Shortlisting meeting | week ending 31 May |
Interviews | 11 June |
First round offers | week ending 14 June |
Anaesthetic Registrar | Important Dates 2024 |
Applications open | 13 May |
Applications close | 16 June |
Shortlisting meeting | week ending 26 July |
Interviews | 27 and 28 August |
First round offers | week ending 6 September |
03 6166 8567
For enquiries about Provisional Fellowship positions please contact Dr Lia Freestone [email protected]
For enquiries about any of the Anaesthetic Registrar positions please contact Dr Angela Ralph [email protected]
Please note that successful candidates need to be able to start work on 3 February 2025. This means all travel, approved visa (for the duration of appointment), AHPRA registration, and any quarantine or isolation requirements need to be completed by this date. Successful SIMG candidates are required to confirm their AHPRA and Visa status and ability to complete their term of employment by 15 November 2024.
Application to the Tasmanian Anaesthetic Training Program is through a single online application form coordinated by the TATP.
Please apply through the DHHS online process at: www.jobs.tas.gov.au
- CV
- Selection Criteria (please note a 250 word limit for each statement)
- Referee Contacts x3
- Covering letter
- Qualification certificates
More information about TATP opportunities at our hospitals
The LGH is a vibrant and busy large regional hospital offering two provisional fellowship positions which provide a perfect platform for transitioning from senior registrar to consultant practice.
There are a wide range of opportunities to both consolidate and extend experience in the areas of: general surgery (including upper GI), obstetrics, paediatrics, major orthopaedics, ENT/Head & Neck, urology, ophthalmic surgery & acute pain management. Mastering advanced techniques in regional anaesthesia are also a core component of the provisional fellowship year. The emerging field of Perioperative Medicine is being embraced by the LGH with scope for Provisional Fellows to gain further skills with involvement in the multidisciplinary High-Risk preoperative clinic.
Additionally, provisional fellows at the LGH are supported to participate in teaching UTAS medical students and prevocational trainees through educational activities including simulation training at the LGH Sim Training Centre.
For more information on the positions, please contact:
Dr Gregg Best
Acting Director, Department of Anaesthesia
Launceston General Hospital
Ph: (03) 6377 7576
Email: [email protected]
North West Tasmania is a stunning part of Tasmania. Green, coastal and rural. It has two hospitals – the North West Regional Hospital (NWRH) in Burnie and the Mersey Community Hospital (MCH) in Latrobe, near Devonport. Both hospitals are accredited for training with ANZCA with MCH being a satellite of NWRH. NWRH is part of the Tasmanian Anaesthetic Training Program (TATP).
Trainees are based at the NWRH but work at all sites including MCH and NWPH. Obstetric services are located in the North West Private Hospital (NWPH), co-located with NWRH. Trainees provide anesthesia services to public obstetric patients at NWPH and support the Code Blue team at NWPH. Ophthalmology services are provided at the stand-alone Devonport eye hospital.
There are currently 13 FANZCAs in Burnie, 2 GP Anaesthetists and a Career Medical Officer Anaesthetist. NWRH is a busy rural regional hospital with a diverse spread of surgical procedures performed including: ENT, Orthopaedic Surgery, General Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Dental Surgery, Endoscopy, Ophthalmology, ECT and a limited amount of Paediatric Surgery.
The University of Tasmania’s, Rural Clinical School is co-sited, and provides a strong academic and educational focus including access to simulation opportunities. Trainees participate in weekly teaching including on-site tutorials, the state-wide primary tutorials via videoconference and simulation activities.
The Anaesthetic Department strives to achieve a healthy balance between service delivery and the training needs of all registrars. Mutual cooperation and teamwork is encouraged. There are wonderful lifestyle opportunities in Tasmania’s beautiful NW corner.
For more information on the positions, please contact:
Dr Greg Bulman or Dr Matthew Piercy (Supervisors of Training)
Anaesthetic Department
North West Area Health Service
Ph: (03) 6493 6000
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
For further information on the recruitment process contact:
Medical Staffing Unit
Email: [email protected]
nipaluna/Hobart is one of the world’s beautiful small cities with a wonderful waterfront location nestled beneath magnificent kunanyi/Mt Wellington. It has history, culture, and a wonderful lifestyle in a glorious natural setting where outdoor activities abound.
The Royal Hobart Hospital (RHH) is the major teaching hospital in Tasmania. It works closely with University of Tasmania (Faculty of Health Sciences) and provides state-wide services in cardiothoracic surgery, interventional cardiology, neurosurgery, trauma, vascular surgery, burns, hyperbaric and diving medicine, neonatal and paediatric surgery and intensive care, paediatric orthopaedics, gynae-oncology and high-risk obstetrics. The hospital provides all general and specialty medical and surgical services, excluding organ transplant, and paediatric cardiac surgery. The continuous exposure to the full spectrum of clinical work provides training opportunities that are unmatched in many interstate centres. The RHH Department of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine (DAPM) is part of the Tasmanian Anaesthetic Training Program (TATP).
The RHH underwent a major redevelopment with the 2020 opening of K-block, a state-of-the-art new facility that provides increased ward and theatre capacity, new in-theatre cardiology lab and in-theatre angiography suite and upgraded day surgery precinct including endoscopy and ECT facilities. Two notable improvements include the helipad with growth in aeromedical retrieval services; and the new hypobaric/hyperbaric chamber which is the only one in the southern hemisphere and provides aero-space research capability in addition to world class hyperbaric medicine. In addition, the RHH has a large, accredited critical care unit which has recently had a major refurbishment and expansion. Training opportunities exist in all these allied areas.
The RHH has a 14 operating theatre complex with 2 interventional suites and a procedure room, and a co-located 4 procedure room Day Procedure Unit. There is a comprehensive Acute Pain Service, and services to maternity, endoscopy, diagnostic radiology (CT, MRI, and Angiography), interventional radiology including neuroradiology, clot retrieval, and cardiology procedures (TAVI, EPS, Code-STEMI, cardioversions, transesophageal echocardiography).
DAPM is a large, friendly, and supportive department with nearly 70 full-time and part-time consultant staff, 24 registrars including provisional fellows, 6 SRMO’s and 2 RMO’s. There have been recent specialist employment opportunities due to an expansion of services and capacity, and there will continue to be further specialist appointment opportunities in the future.
The department has recently become an approved training site for the ANZCA Course in Perioperative Medicine allowing successful participants, including provisional fellows, becoming a graduate of the Chapter of Perioperative Medicine of ANZCA – GChPOM. The Department also has a strong regional anaesthesia faculty and significant global outreach activities.
The Royal Hobart Hospital is accredited for Diploma for Rural Generalist Anaesthesia (DRGA) training. The hospital also works with the Australian Antarctic Division to provide targeted upskilling to medical personnel, the Lay Surgical Assistants course and retrieval missions and state-of-the art remote telehealth support.
DAPM has a strong commitment to education and training of registrars reflected in excellent examination success and multiple prize winners. The Department has an active teaching program with dedicated four hours per week face-to-face teaching. There is also a state-wide primary teaching program coordinated by the Department. There is a strong focus on simulation-based education from a growing, passionate, and fun faculty with opportunities to participate and facilitate diverse learning opportunities including team training and emergency responses.
There is an active research program and ample opportunity for research, clinical audit and scholar role activities. There are multiple major research projects currently underway including multicenter trials and original research. The Department encourages and supports audit and research.
The Royal Hobart Hospital is a great training hospital that provides comprehensive general experience throughout training with substantial access to specialty and subspecialty areas. It has a strong footprint in perioperative medicine, regional anaesthesia, medical education and simulation, and global outreach. It has strong links to pain medicine, critical care medicine, and hyperbaric medicine. Training at RHH allows you to become a confident and capable anaesthetist well prepared for independent practice with diverse opportunities to pursue clinical and extra-curricular interests. Anaesthetic training at the Royal Hobart Hospital is a great opportunity for your training and your future.
For more information on these positions, please contact:
Royal Hobart Hospital Anaesthetic Administration
[email protected]
For further information on the recruitment process contact:
Medical Staffing Unit
Email: [email protected]