Training and development
Online training
Department of Health Tasmania (DoH) staff
The Aboriginal Cultural Respect in Health Services course is for all staff interested in delivering care and services that are culturally respectful for Aboriginal people in Tasmania.
This training is available for THS and DoH staff. To access the course, follow the directions below.
- Visit Tasmania Health Education Online (THEO)
- Login with your current THS/DoH network username and password
- Go to Department of Health > Community, Mental Health & Wellbeing > Public Health Services > Aboriginal Cultural Respect in Health Services
Community sector and non-government organisations
This DoH Aboriginal Cultural Respect in Health Service E-learning Module is available for community sector and non-government organisations. To access the course, follow the directions below.
1. Visit
2. Create a username and password (if you don’t already have one)
3. Go to ‘Students & Volunteers’
4. Scroll to ‘Aboriginal Cultural Respect in Health Services’
Small group discussion
The Ask Away! videos share the experiences and ideas of 13 Tasmanian Aboriginal people from across lutruwita/Tasmania. The videos were also made by Tasmanian Aboriginal filmmakers.
The videos were designed as a learning tool for Department of Health staff. They complement the Aboriginal Cultural Respect in Health Services eLearning module located on THEO (see above).
View the Ask Away! videos and discussion guide
Face to face training
Cultural Competence Training
This training run by the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre is to support staff who work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. This is suitable for:
- healthcare workers
- community workers
- government and non-government staff.
This training focuses on how to be culturally respectful. It offers professional development for staff. It can support employers to meet a culturally competent workplace standard.
Find out more on the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre website
Anti-Discrimination Training
Equal Opportunity Tasmania offer a range of anti-discrimination trainings, including 'Racism! It stops with me'. Training can be provided face-to-face or online.
Find out more on the Equal Opportunity Tasmania website
RACGP and NACCHO Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Webinar Series
The RACGP and the National Aboriginal Community Controlled health Organisation (NACCHO) and have worked together to develop a resource hub for GPs and other health professionals to support culturally-responsive primary healthcare for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, wherever they seek care.
Social and Emotional Wellbeing - Indigenous point of view - Clinton Schultz
A very helpful description of what social and emotional wellbeing means to Aboriginal people. If non-Indigenous people are going to help Aboriginal people, then they must understand this 'model' of wellbeing.
Indigenous Allied Health Australia (IAHA) – Webinar Series
IAHA hosted a series of five self-care live webinars for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workforce.
Australian Institute of Family Studies - Supporting the social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children through a collaborative community approach
This webinar discussed how service organisations can work with Aboriginal communities to increase accessibility for First Nations families.
Equal Opportunity Tasmania
Visit the equal Opportunity Tasmania site to listen to their podcasts for employers and employees.
Indigenous Health MedTalk
Indigenous Health MedTalk covers topics related to women's and men's health, family health and wellness, mental health, sexual health and community innovations related to and affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.