Culture, language and health information, resources, and stories
The Cultural Atlas
The Cultural Atlas is an educational resource with a range of information on the cultural background of Australia’s migrant populations. It is a collaborative project between SBS, International Education Services (IES), and Multicultural NSW.
The Atlas includes information about cultures, information about religions, training and resources to support inclusive strategies and a glossary.
Refugee and asylum seeker facts – Australian Red Cross
Information to help people have an informed conversation about refugees and people seeking asylum.
Learn more about refugees and asylum seekers.
Diversity Atlas
The Diversity Atlas suggests we move from labelling individuals and communities and put the focus on people’s needs, preferences and hopes. These things are relevant when it comes to health policymaking and service delivery. This site has a range of resources and information.
EthnoMed provides information about cultural beliefs, medical issues and other topics related to the health care of people with a migrant and refugee background.
SBS news
Includes articles, census explorer, stories and links.
Where are you really from? Published 21 January 2023
Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health (CEH)
The Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health aims to improve the health and wellbeing of people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.
CEH has a wide range of resources, including fact sheets on cultural considerations in health assessment, communicating via an interpreter, and six steps to an effective translation.
National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards
NSQHS’s User Guide for Health Service Organisations Providing Care for Patients from Migrant and Refugee Backgrounds is intended to support organisations to consider and include the specific needs of people from migrant and refugee backgrounds.
Translating and Interpreting Service – National (TIS)
TIS is an interpreting service provided by the Department of Home Affairs for people who do not speak English and for agencies and businesses that need to communicate with their non-English speaking clients.
Working with Refugees – Social Worker Guide
The Working with Refugees Social Worker Guide provides social workers with important information about refugees.
Creating an inclusive environment
Examples of ways to support cultural and language diversity and improve communication are to:
- provide information and resources in a variety of formats and languages reflecting the community,
- visually represent the diversity of Tasmanians in posters and information, and
- display the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) symbol.

The Interpreter Symbol is a national public information symbol. Get stickers with this symbol from [email protected].
If you are interested in learning more about the diverse cultural backgrounds of Tasmanians, below is a selection of stories. Understanding a little about the different experiences and views of people can help us provide better healthcare.
Everyone is Human – Stories of Recent Migration.
The Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery recorded six short stories of migrants who arrived in the state since 2004.
City Park Radio #See Me series.
Listen to the episode on Gopi Maya Rai. Gopi is vision impaired and arrived in Australia on a humanitarian migrant visa in 2016. Gopi receives support from the Migrant Resource Centre Northern Tasmania, as well as the local Bhutanese community
177 Nations of Tasmania
177 Nations of Tasmania aims to have interviews with at least one member of all 177 of the nationalities represented in Tasmania's last census. The interviews discuss people’s experiences, culture, traditions, skills, and ideas.
Listen to 177 Nations of Tasmania.
From India to Hobart
Moving from a bustling city in India to Tasmania was always going to be a culture shock. But Ike Naqvi and Ruchika Garg have made the best of it.
Hear some of Ike Naqvi and Ruchika Gargs' story (ABC 3.15 mins).
Stories from international students
Prajit Parameswar came to Tasmania as an International Student.
Maxime, a German international student at Elizabeth College in Hobart shares her experience living and studying in Tasmania Length: 1 minute and 6 seconds)
Pius, from Hong Kong is studying at Hobart College and loving it! He shares his experiences and lifestyle. Length: 1 minute(1.00).