Report to the Tasmanian Government on Suicide in Tasmania 2012-2018

Caution: some people may find some parts of this report distressing.
Please consider carefully your personal needs when reading this report about suicide in Tasmania. If this material raises concerns for you contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or see other options for seeking help .
While this report focuses on data, the Department of Health acknowledges the individuals, families and communities affected by suicide each year in Tasmania. The data in this report relates to the lives of Tasmanians that have died by suicide.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers are advised that information relating to suicide of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is included in the report.
The Department of Health supports the use of the Mindframe Guidelines on responsible, accurate and safe reporting on suicide, mental illness and alcohol and other drugs. Please refer to these guidelines when reporting on statistics relating to suicide.
The data in this report relates to the lives of Tasmanians that have died by suicide. Every life lost to suicide is a tragedy and can have an immense impact upon family, friends, work colleagues and communities.
The reasons people take their own life are complex – there is rarely a single reason – but suicide can be prevented.
The Department of Health acknowledges those Tasmanians who have died or have been affected by suicide. We are committed to working with our community to build our understanding of suicide, to raise community awareness, to enable research, and to inform the design of targeted suicide prevention policy and initiatives.
Support Services
The information in this report may raise uncomfortable or distressing feelings. If you or someone you know is distressed or having thoughts of suicide, or have been affected by suicide, please seek help through your GP or by contacting the following support services:
- Lifeline 13 11 14
- Beyond Blue 1300 224 636
- Suicide Call Back Services 1300 659 467
- Mensline Australia 1300 789 978
- Kids Helpline 1800 551 800
- Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre Support Service 1800 132 260
- QLife Line LGBTI phone counselling service 1800 184 527
- Open Arms – Veterans and Families Counselling 1800 011 046
- Mental Health Services Helpline 1300 332 388
In an emergency call triple zero (000)
The Tasmanian Suicide Register
The Tasmanian Suicide Register (TSR) is a state-based database, established in 2017 as a joint initiative between the Tasmanian Departments of Health and Justice, that resides within and is maintained by the Magistrates Court of Tasmania Coronial Division.
The TSR has been established to provide a better understanding of suicide in Tasmania. The primary purpose of the TSR is to collect, store and retrieve data pertaining to suicide death to better inform coronial investigations, inquests, findings and recommendations, and the development of suicide prevention policy. The TSR also serves to ensure Tasmanian researchers can access reliable and authorised suicide data.
For more information email [email protected] or visit Tasmanian Suicide Register.