Emergency Contacts

Tasmanian Role Delineation Framework

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Role delineation is a process which determines the clinical capacity of a health facility to provide services of a defined clinical complexity. It is based on an assessment of the number, range and expertise of medical, nursing and other healthcare personnel in a given clinical discipline to provide a specialised service. It incorporates an assessment of the population size, likely demand for the service and the presence of other clinical disciplines within the facility that, together, influence the capacity of the facility to deliver high quality care in that discipline.

Underlying principles of the Tasmanian role delineation framework 

  • The facility must be able to sustain a competent and high performing clinical workforce, infrastructure and support services required to provide care that is consistent with best practice. 
  • Appropriate minimum service volumes must be maintained to ensure the competence and professional practice of the multidisciplinary team can be sustained.
  • Tasmanians must be able to access services which are determined by the facility’s ability to deliver consistently safe, high quality care, rather than on considerations of proximity.
  • Relying on small numbers of clinicians to be on call 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to maintain a service is neither safe nor sustainable. Workload needs to be sufficient to engage multiple clinicians across the range of necessary disciplines in the delivery of a quality sustainable service. Services with key person dependencies must be redesigned to ensure quality, safety and sustainability.
  • Care must be continually improved. The impact on patient outcomes and experience must be continually monitored, reviewed and evaluated. Tasmanians should expect to receive care comparable with national and international standards.

Tasmanian role delineation framework (TRDF)


Every service is a statewide service.

The role delineation framework describes for each statewide service where services in each discipline will be delivered. It is important that in reading this framework the reader understands statewide clinical pathways, protocols and standards of care are required to support the best quality service being delivered regardless of which facility the person presents to.

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