Single Employer Model (SEM)
Capital Infrastructure Expressions of Interest

The Tasmanian Department of Health (the Department) is calling for expressions of interest for the infrastructure component of the SEM pilot that will provide funding to general practices to support the supervision of trainee General Practitioners (GPs).
The Tasmanian Government put forward a proposal to partner with the Australian Government to fund a new SEM for GP Registrars including rural generalist trainees, that will make training in rural general practice more attractive and will go a long way in improving recruitment and retention of GPs in rural communities.
Under the pilot, doctors training to specialise in rural medicine will have the choice of being employed by the Tasmanian Health Service for their training period which will allow for a seamless transition throughout their hospital and community-based GP training placements.
A component of the total funding has been allocated to the ongoing/operational costs expected to stem from participation in the training of GP Registrars including rural generalist trainees.
A total of up to $3 million in grant funding is available. There are four (4) categories of use for capital infrastructure under the SEM pilot:
- Expand consulting space
- Accommodation
- IT infrastructure
- Equipment for training locations
Please note that by expressing interest you are committing to being considered to expand your capacity and be available for GP training during the SEM pilot period, as well as other relevant GP training programs.
The SEM pilot in Tasmania is a collaborative project of the Australian Government and State Government.
Submissions should be made using the prescribed format and guidelines that are contained in the links above.
Lodgement of EOI:
All EOIs must be submitted electronically by emailing the contact details below with “SEM Expression of Interest" included in the subject line. If an organisation is not able to submit its application electronically, they are advised to use the contact details below.
Enquiries about this Expression of Interest (EOI)
If you have any questions, please contact the contact officer:
Contact: Tasmanian Rural Generalist Pathway Coordination Unit
Telephone: 0499 972 684
Email for enquiries and submissions: [email protected]
Potential applicants are encouraged to monitor this site as updates may become available.
Submissions open Saturday 27 July 2024 and will close at 5 pm on Monday 26 August 2024.
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