Chief Psychiatrist Annual Report 2023-24

I am pleased to present the Chief Psychiatrist's Annual Report for 2023–24, in accordance with section 150 of the Mental Health Act 2013 (Tas) (the Act).
I begin by acknowledging the original custodians of Lutruwita (Tasmania), the Palawa people, and I pay my respects to elders past, present, and emerging. I also reaffirm my strong commitment towards Closing the Gap.
We are indebted to generations before us who made Tasmania their home. The life and environment that we enjoy today in Tasmania is an acknowledgement of their immense contribution. The value we place on respecting the diversity, wellbeing and autonomy of every Tasmanian is also reflected in the Act. An essential tenant of the Act is respecting the rights of the individual to appropriate care and treatment and interfering with those rights only to protect their health and safety.
The processes that are followed in the Act are informed by invaluable knowledge and wisdom of mental health experts and people with lived experience of mental health, their families and friends. We remain committed to ensuring that their participation and advice continue to help improve mental health outcomes for all Tasmanians.
During the 2023-24 reporting period, Associate Professor Anthony Cidoni acted as Tasmania’s Acting Chief Psychiatrist until January 2024, when I was entrusted with this responsibility.
I would particularly like to acknowledge the continuing support and guidance of the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (TASCAT – Mental Health Stream), Mental Health Lived Experience Tasmania (MHLET), Mental Health Families and Friends (MHFF), Mental Health Council Tasmania and Tasmania Legal Aid.
I am immensely grateful to the Office of the Chief Psychiatrist (OCP) for their expertise and commitment to enable me to fulfil my statutory responsibilities. In 2023-24, the OCP, with the help and support of our stakeholders, has project-managed the implementation of recommendations from the Mental Health Act Review which will enable further refinements to the Act. The OCP also prepares useful best practice guidance and advice, oversees seclusion and restraints and now delivers regular education and training on various aspects of the Act.
I am committed to working with all our stakeholders to strengthen Tasmania’s mental health system and enable us to provide the best possible and least restrictive treatment.
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