Tasmanian Suicide Prevention Strategy
Get help now
If you or someone you know is experiencing distress, help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, anywhere in Australia. If you require support for any reason, at any time, please utilise the below supports.
If you need help now, call:
service | contact |
Lifeline | 13 11 14 |
13YARN | 13 92 76 |
Kids Helpline | 1800 551 800 |
Suicide Call Back Service | 1300 659 467 |
In an emergency, call triple zero (000)
Those in Southern Tasmania are also encouraged to drop into the Safe Haven at the Peacock Centre, where caring and experienced staff are available to provide individualised support, recognising that distress looks different for everyone.
You can access the Safe Haven without a referral, and you don't have to be linked with mental health services to ask for or receive support.
The Safe Haven is located within the Peacock Centre, 10 Elphinstone Road, North Hobart 7000.
An introduction to suicide prevention
We wish to recognise all people in lutruwita/Tasmania who have lived experience of suicide. This includes those who have experienced suicidal thoughts, survived a suicide attempt, cared for someone through suicidal distress and/or been bereaved by suicide. Their knowledge is essential in the design and delivery of suicide prevention in lutruwita/Tasmania.
Every suicide attempt and every life lost to suicide is one too many. By working together, listening to each other, and building on strengths we can connect people with the support they need, when they need it.
Suicide is a complex issue, and requires action across whole-of-community, whole-of-service system, and whole-of-government levels to address risk factors associated with suicidal distress to support those who need it and prevent suicide. Suicide prevention is a responsibility that is shared by agencies, services, workforces, and the whole Tasmanian community.
We can all help prevent suicide by learning the warning signs, checking in with the people around us, promoting prevention activities, increasing protective factors within communities, and committing to social change.
Suicide may be influenced by a range of factors and suicidal distress can affect anyone, including people with no history of mental illness.
Tasmanian Suicide Prevention Strategy (TSPS)
The Tasmanian Suicide Prevention Strategy 2023-2027 (TSPS) was released in December 2022, and sets out the vision and priorities for preventing suicide in Tasmania over the next five years. These priorities include:
- Enabling collective action across agencies and sectors to prevent the onset of suicidal behaviours and respond early to distress
- Delivering compassionate and connected services that meet people’s needs
- Empowering our people and communities to lead suicide prevention action
- Developing a skilled, supported and sustained workforce in Tasmania
- Enhancing whole-of-government mechanisms to coordinate our approach
The TSPS aligns with the national suicide prevention policy agenda and our broader work under Rethink 2020: A state plan for mental health in Tasmania 2020–2025.
Importantly, this is the first state suicide prevention strategy to include a foreword and statements from people with lived experience. We have drawn on the Tasmanian community’s experience and expertise to develop a strategy that is relevant and meets local needs and expectations.
Between June and October 2022, we heard from people across Tasmania about what suicide prevention means to them and the preventive actions they want to see. Over 600 Tasmanians contributed to the development of the strategy through:
- online survey
- social media feedback
- postcard campaign
- thought leader interviews
- community-based workshops.
In March 2023, the Tasmanian Suicide Prevention Strategy Implementation Plan One: January 2023 – June 2024 was released. This is the first implementation plan supporting the strategy and outlines 81 targeted actions to reduce suicide and suicide attempts and improve the wellbeing of all Tasmanians. A further two plans will be developed and released at a future date.
Additional resources and websites
Service directories
For more information about available services in Tasmania, please visit:
- FindHelpTAS
- National Health Services Directory
- Head to Health
- Tasmanian Health Directory
- Department of Health mental health page
Support services
Crisis support services
- Lifeline – 13 11 14
- 13YARN – 13 92 76
- Kids Helpline – 1800 55 1800
- Suicide Call Back Service – 1300 659 467
In an emergency, call Triple Zero 000.
Non-urgent helplines/counselling
- Access Mental Health; Mental health support, triage, and referrals - 1800 332 388
- A Tasmanian Lifeline; Mental Health support
- Beyond Blue; support for depression and anxiety
- Butterfly; eating disorder support.
- Gambling Help Online; Gambling Support
- Q Life; LGBTQIA+ Support
- SANE; Support around complex mental health
- Open Arms; support for Veterans
Early distress support
- Butterfly; eating disorder support
- Gambling Help Online; Gambling Support
- Q Life; LGBTQIA+ Support
- SANE; Support around complex mental health
- Open Arms; support for Veterans
Postvention support