Recognised Leader Profile - Catriona Hurd

Catriona was nominated for the 5+ years she has led Move Well Eat Well (MWEW) at Scotch Oakburn College (Junior School).

Catriona has:

  • Continually encouraged staff to actively support the program.
  • Built parent/school community awareness of the program.
  • Led walk to school opportunities.
  • Advocated for revision of the canteen menu and healthy eating/drinking at school.
  • Organised and assisted in the delivery of MWEW professional learning opportunities like Active Classrooms.

She is a great Move Well Eat Well Leader because she is:

  • Positive  -  always promoting the 'upside' of initiatives and activities.
  • Persistent - unflagging efforts to keep MWEW 'front and centre' in the school community.
  • Organised – has attention to detail in planning and organising MWEW activities and events.

Overall Catriona has; helped the school maintain its Move Well Eat Well Award, advocated for healthy eating and physical activity at school and promoted Move Well Eat Well messages in the school community.